Doc’s January Q & A: Hips, Stairs, and Lifts – Safely Use the Stairs Again in Ann Arbor!
Doc’s January Q & A: Hips, Stairs, and Lifts in Ann Arbor
My 85- year-old dad is talking with his doctor about having his hip replaced. He still lives in his 2nd story condo and has no intention of moving.
He is open to the idea of installing a stairlift, but he’s concerned that the condo association won’t let him install one because it will destroy the walls. Will installing a stairlift require replacing the drywall when it is removed?
Doc’s Answer:
Good question. It’s good to hear that your 85-year old dad is still able to manage the stairs in his 2nd story condo – that is one determined man! I’m also glad he is open to taking advantage of a stairlift.
As Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS), we know that many seniors, and others with mobility issues who have a basement or second floor, cautiously use the steps –but only one step at a time. For many, they are taking each step on their bum. The saddest part is the emotional toll: each time they use the stairs, they are scared to death of losing their balance and tumbling.
The one thing seniors must avoid at any and all costs is a hip break or fracture. Shockingly, it becomes a fatal injury for 20% of those who suffer the trauma of a broken hip. Additionally, many people rarely achieve full recovery. Since your dad is planning on a hip replacement, he will want to be especially cautious. That is why the stair lifts are so wonderful. People can freely use the stairs again but without the anxiety, because they’re safely and securely seated.
So let me explain the good news you can share with your dad about the advantages the Navigator® brand stairlift. It meets our high standards for quality and I will explain its brilliant design for custom installation. There are a variety of stairlift manufacturers out there and you will want to evaluate the brands before signing on to have one installed in your home or condo.
I have personally reviewed the top stairlift brands and selected the Navigator® as the best rated, safest, attractive, and non-invasive to the structure of your home.
Our certified installers skillfully measure and install the guide-rail and chair-track, attaching the system to the steps with secure brackets – without one nail or screw marring your walls. This creates a secure foundation for the FDA approved stairlift system. The chair glides smoothly along the track and cannot touch the wall, without scuffs or markings.
Your dad can confidently have the Navigator® installed and the condo association can be sure it will not have any negative or lasting impact. If you need assistance explaining this to your association, an Atlas representative will be happy to help.
My own mom was able to safely stay in the home she loved after we installed a stairlift for her. Our family had greater peace of mind knowing she was no longer anxiously navigating those stairs after her hip injury. You can read about it in an earlier post about helping my mom stay in the home she loved.
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